Msolwa St.Gaspare Bertoni Secondary School
Msolwa St.Gaspare Bertoni Secondary School's students live in a brother and sister hood with harmony amongst one another.The students can air out their problems and difficult circumstancesthat they face in daily basis.This is made possible through a system of leadership of the students called,THE STUDENT'S GOVERNMENT.The Student's government is a system of leadership by the Students themselves which serve as the mirror for the students opinions and problems.Msolwa St.Gaspare Bertoni Secondary school's Students Government comprises of the EXECUTIVE,this body includes the Head boy, Head girl and General secretary.Under the executive is a total of six of ministries namely: MINISTRY OF HEALTH, MINISTRY OF DISCIPLINE, MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, MINISTRY OF ACADEMICS, MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS and lastly MINISTRY OF SPORTS AND GAMES.
Each ministry is headed by the respective Minister and consists of five members,these members are obtained from other grass root leaders such as Class leaders,Dining leaders and Domitory leaders.